Palaeothunninae, Scombridae、おさかなマガジン 分類トップ
Family Scombridae サバ科

Sub-Family Palaeothunninae MONSCH 2000 パラエオトゥンヌス亜科

Genus Palaeothunnus BANNIKOV 1978 パラエオトゥンヌス属 (絶滅)

◆パラエオトゥンヌス・パルウィデンタトゥス (絶滅)
 Palaeothunnus parvidentatus Bannikov 1978
 *1978『A New Genus of the Scombridae from the Upper Paleocene of Turkmenia:Alexandre Fedorovich Bannikov』。
 *2012『New Taxonomic Synopses and Revision of the Scombroid Fishes [Scombroidei, Perciformes], Including Billfishes, from the Cenozoic of Territories of the Former USSR:Kenneth Anthony Monsch & Alexandre Fedorovich Bannikov』。

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