Oxyzygonectinae, Anablepidae、おさかなマガジン 分類トップ
Family Anablepidae ヨツメウオ科

Sub-Family Oxyzygonectinae PARENTI 1981 オキシジゴネクテス亜科

Genus Oxyzygonectes (FOWLER 1916) オキシジゴネクテス属
   ※=Genus Fundulus DE LA CÉPÈDE 1803 Sub-Genus Oxyzygonectes FOWLER 1916。

 Oxyzygonectes dovii (Günther 1866)
   syn.Aplocheilus dovii (Günther 1866) Jordan & Evermann 1896
     Fundulus dovii (Günther 1866) Jordan & Evermann 1896 ※=Fundulus (Zygonectes) dovii (Günther 1866) Jordan & Evermann 1896。

     Haplochilus dovii Günther 1866
 *1896『A Check-List of the Fishes and Fish-Like Vertebrates of North and Middle America 1895:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of North and Middle America 1, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1898『The Fishes of North and Middle America 3, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *2020『The Fishes from the Coto River Basin, Pacific Coast, Costa Rica:Arturo Angulo, Jorge San Gil-León, Alejandro Oviedo-Soto, Juan Ignacio Abarcaodio & Gerardo Umaña-Villalobos』。
 *2021『New Records and Range Extensions to the Costa Rican Fresh-Water Fish Fauna, with an Updated Check-List:Arturo Angulo』。
 "White Eyes"。汽水域進入性。

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