Toxotidae、おさかなマガジン 分類トップ


Family TOXOTIDAE BLEEKER 1859 テッポウウオ科
Archer-Fishes (テッポウウオ科魚種)
Toxotids (テッポウウオ科魚種)

Genus Toxotes CLOQUET 1816 テッポウウオ属
   ※+Genus Protoxotes WHITLEY 1950 (Type species : Toxotes lorentzi Weber 1910)。
   ※+Genus Toxotes CUVIER 1816 (Type species : Labrus jaculator Shaw 1803)。
   ※=Genus Trompe GISTEL 1848。不要な置き換え。
   ※← [Toxoteoidei BLEEKER 1859]。

 Toxotes blythii

 Toxotes chatarea (Hamilton 1822) Day 1876
   syn.Coius chatareus Hamilton 1822
     Toxotes jaculator var.malaccensis Cantor 1850
 *1850『Catalogue of Malayan Fishes 1849:Theodore Cantor』。
 *1876『A Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters India, Burma and Ceylon 1:Francis Day』。
 *1878『The Fishes of India, Being a Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon 1 Extra:Francis Day』。
 *2021『Fishes of the Indo-Chinese Mekong:Nagao Natural Environment Foundation』。

 Toxotes dorsalis Whitley 1950
 *1950『Studies in Ichthyology 14:Gilbert Percy Whitley』。

 Toxotes jaculatrix (Pallas 1766)
   syn.Labrus jaculator Shaw 1803 ※=Labrus (Toxotes) jaculator Shaw 1803 emend. Cuvier 1817。スペルミス。
     Scarus schlosseri Gmelin 1789
     Sciaena jaculatrix Pallas 1766
     Sciena jaculatrix Volta 1796
     Toxotes jaculator (Shaw 1803) Cuvier 1829 ※スペルミス。
     Trompe jaculatrix (Pallas 1766) Gistel 1848
 *1788『Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des Trois Regnes de la Nature, Ichthyologie:Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre』。
 *1796『Ittiolitologia Veronese del Museo Bozziano ora Annesso a Quello del Conte Giovambattista Gazola e di Altri Gabinetti di Fossili Veronesi:Giovanni Serafino Volta』。
 *1803『General Zoology or Systematic Natural History 4, Pisces 2:George Shaw』。
 *1817『Le Règne Animal Distribué d'Après son Organisation Pour Servir de Base à l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction à l'Anatomie Comparée 2, les Reptiles, les Poissons, les Mollusques et les Annélides:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier』。
 *1829『Le Règne Animal Distribué d'Après Son Organisation, Pour Servir de base à l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction à l'Anatomie Comparée 2° 2:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier』。
 *1830『The Fossil Remains of the Animal Kingdom:Edward Pidgeon』。
 *1831『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 7:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1832『Das Thierreich, Geordnet Nach Seiner Organisation, als Grundlage der Naturgeschichte der Thiere und Als Einleitung in die Vergleichende Anatomie 2:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Friedrich Siegmund Voight』。
 *1848『Fauna der Vorwelt mit Steter Berücksichtigung der Lebenden Thiere 1, Wirbeltiere, Dritte Abteilung, Fische:Christoph Gottfried Andreas Giebel』。
 *1848『Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs für Hühere Schulen:Johannes Gistel』。
 *1850『Catalogue of Malayan Fishes 1849:Theodore Cantor』。
 *1857『Essai sur le Faune de l'Ile de Woodlark ou Moiou, Ichthyologie 1856:Xavier Montrouzier』。
 *1876『A Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters India, Burma and Ceylon 1:Francis Day』。
 *1878『The Fishes of India, Being a Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon 1 Extra:Francis Day』。
 *1893『The Great Barrier Reef of Australia, Its Products and Potentialities:William Saville-Kent』。
 *1904『Fische von Smatra:Walter Volz』。
 *1906『The Fishes of Samoa, Description of the Species Found in the Archipelago, with a Provisional Check-List of the Fishes of Oceania 1905:David Starr Jordan & Alvin Seale』。
 *1908『Fishes from Islands of the Philippine Archipelago 1907:David Starr Jordan & Robert Earl Richardson』。
 *1908『On a Collection of Fishes from the Philippine Islands, made by Maj. Edgar A.Mearns, Surgeon, US Army, with Descriptions of Seven New Species:Alvin Seale & Barton Appler Bean』。
 *1906-1911『Fishes of the South Pacific 1906:Alvin Seale』。
 *2022『Report on the Specimens of Families Toxotidae and Drepaneidae [Teleostei, Perciformes] Deposited in the Department of Zoology, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo by Keita Koeda, Masahiro Aizawa, Kazuo Sakamoto & Rei Ueshima in 東京大学総合研究博物館動物部門所蔵魚類標本リスト1:小枝圭太/上島励』。
 "アーチャーフィッシュ"。"Jaclator Labrus"。"Schlosserian Scarus"。汽水棲、淡水域進入性。環絶滅危惧IA類(CR)。情報不足DD(沖縄)。

Toxotes jaculator=Sciaena jaculatrix

 ボルタによる本種とされる標本(下)。現在は=Gillidia antiqua (Agassiz 1835)。

 Toxotes kimberleyensis

 Toxotes lorentzi Weber 1910
   syn.Protoxotes lorentzi (Weber 1910)
 *1950『Studies in Ichthyology 14:Gilbert Percy Whitley』。
 "鉄砲魚(原始)"。淡水棲。IUCN Least Concern ver.3.1

 Toxotes mekongensis Kottelat & Hui 2018
 *2018『Three New Species of Archerfishes from the Freshwaters of South-East Asia [Teleostei, Toxotidae] and Notes on Henri Mouhot's Fish Collections:Maurice Kottelat & Tan Heok Hui』。

 Toxotes microlepis Günther 1860
 *1876『A Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters India, Burma and Ceylon 1:Francis Day』。
 *1878『A Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters India, Burma and Ceylon 2, Atlas Constaining 198 Plates:Francis Day』。
 *1878『The Fishes of India, Being a Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon 1 Extra:Francis Day』。

 Toxotes oligolepis
 "モルッカ鉄砲魚"。淡水棲。IUCN Lower Risk/least concern ver.2.3

 Toxotes siamensis Kottelat & Hui 2018
 *2018『Three New Species of Archerfishes from the Freshwaters of South-East Asia [Teleostei, Toxotidae] and Notes on Henri Mouhot's Fish Collections:Maurice Kottelat & Tan Heok Hui』。

 Toxotes sundaica Kottelat & Hui 2018
 *2018『Three New Species of Archerfishes from the Freshwaters of South-East Asia [Teleostei, Toxotidae] and Notes on Henri Mouhot's Fish Collections:Maurice Kottelat & Tan Heok Hui』。

 Toxotes ulysses Whitley 1950
 *1950『Studies in Ichthyology 14:Gilbert Percy Whitley』。

◆トキソテス・ウェエレリ (絶滅)
 Toxotes wheeleri Nolf & Lapierre 1979
 *1979『Otolithes de Poissons Nouveaux ou Peu Connus du Calcaire Grossier et de la Formation d' Auvers, Écocène du Bassin Parisien:Dirk Nolf & Hervé Lapierre』。

30〜45cm 60cm 90cm 120cm 180cm 水族館クラス
混泳同種・同型=△〜○ 混泳異種・異型=○

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