Sphyraenidae、おさかなマガジン 分類トップ



Barracudas (カマス科魚種)
Sphyraenids (カマス科魚種)

Genus Parasphyraena SWITCHENSKA 1968 パラスフィラエナ属 (絶滅)

◆パラスフィラエナ・アプスケロニカ (絶滅)
 Parasphyraena apscheronica Svichenskaya 1968
 *1968『Новый род семейства [Sphyraenidae] из среднего миоцена Закавказья:Александра Андреевна Свиченская』。

Genus Sphyraena ARTEDI ex ROSE 1793 カマス属
   ※+Genus Agrioposphyraena (FOWLER 1903) (Type species : Esox barracudus Walbaum 1792)。
   ※+Genus Agriosphyraena JORDAN 1920。スペルミス。
   ※+Genus Australuzza WHITLEY 1947 (Type species : Sphyraena novaehollandiae Günther 1860)。
   ※+Genus Callosphyraena SMITH 1956 (Type species : Sphyraena toxeuma Fowler 1904)。
   ※+Genus Indosphyraena SMITH 1956 (Type species : Sphyraena africana Gilchrist & Thompson 1909)。
   ※=Genus Sphaerina SWAINSON 1839。スペルミス。
   ※+Genus Sphyraena ARTEDI ex ROSE 1793 Sub-Genus Agrioposphyraena FOWLER 1903 (Type species : Esox barracudus Walbaum 1792)。
   ※=Genus Sphyraena BLOCH & SCHNEIDER 1801。
   ※+Genus Sphyraena KLEIN 1778 emend. WALBAUM 1792。
   ※=Genus Sphyrena RAFINESQUE 1810。スペルミス。
   ※+Genus Sphyraenella SMITH 1956 (Type species : Sphyraena flavicauda Rüppell 1838)。
   ※+Genus Umbla CATESBY 1771。詳細不明。学名としての記述ではない可能性。
   ※≠Genus Umbla VON RAPP 1854 [Salmonidae]。
   ※≠Genus Umbra CETTI 1777 [Sciaenidae]。スペルが違う。
   ※≠Genus Umbra GRONOW 1763 emend. (KRAMER ex SCOPOLI 1777) WALBAUM 1792 [Umbridae]。スペルが違う。
   ※← [Sphyrenidia RAFINESQUE 1815]。

 Sphyraena acutipinnis Day 1878
   syn.Indosphyraena africana (Gilchrist & Thompson 1909)
     Sphyraena africana Gilchrist & Thompson 1909
     Sphyraena natalensis von Bonde 1923
 *1878『A Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters India, Burma and Ceylon 2, Atlas Constaining 198 Plates:Francis Day』。
 *1878『The Fishes of India, Being a Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon 1 Extra:Francis Day』。

 Sphyraena afra Peters 1884
   syn.Sphyraena hupferi Fischer 1885
     Sphyraena piscatora Cadenat 1964

◆スフィラエナ・アミキ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena amici Agassiz 1843
 *1833-1843『Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles 5, Contenant l'Histoire de l'Ordre des Cycloïdes:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1833-1843『Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles Atlas 5, Contenant 91 Planches de l'Ordre des Cycloides:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1845『Traité Élémentaire de Paléontologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, Considérés dans Leurs Rapports Zoologiques et Géologiques 2:François Jules Pictet』。
 *1848『Fauna der Vorwelt mit Steter Berücksichtigung der Lebenden Thiere 1, Wirbeltiere, Dritte Abteilung, Fische:Christoph Gottfried Andreas Giebel』。
 *1866『Nouvelles Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles du Mont Liban:François Jules Pictet & Aloïs Humbert』。
 *1883-1887『The Fossil Fishes of the Chalk of Mount Lebanon in Syria 1887:James William Davis』。

 Sphyraena arabiansis Abdussamad & Retheesh 2015
 *2020『太平洋初記録のカマス科魚類 Sphyraena arabiansis ヤシャカマス [新称] と本種の標徴に関する新知見および S.barracuda オニカマスとの形態比較:森下悟至/三木涼平/瀬能宏/本村浩之』。

 Sphyraena argentea Girard 1856
 *1856『Observations upon a Collection of Fishes Made on the Pacific Coast of the United States, by Lieutenant W.P.Trowbridge, U.S.A., for the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution 1854:Charles Frédéric Girard』。
 *1859『Fishes 1858 in General Retort upon the Zoology of the Several Pacific Railroad Routes 1857 in Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean 10 1853-1856:Charles Frédéric Girard』。
 *1882『Notes on the Fishes of the Pacific Coast of the United States 1881:David Starr Jordan & Charles Henry Gilbert』。
 *1883『Catalogue of the Fishes Collected by Mr.John Xanthus at Cape San Lucas, wiche are Now in the United States National Museum, with Descriptions of Eight New Species 1882:David Starr Jordan & Charles Henry Gilbert』。
 *1896『A Check-List of the Fishes and Fish-Like Vertebrates of North and Middle America 1895:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of North and Middle America 1, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1931『Division of Fish and Game of California Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fish Bulletin 37, the California Barracuda Sphyraena argentea:Lionel Albert Walford』。
 "タイヘイヨウギンカマス"。"Barracouta"。"California Barracuda"。襲撃記録。IUCN Least Concern ver.3.1

 Sphyraena barracuda (Edwards 1771) Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829    syn.Esox barracudus Edwards 1771
     Esox becunus (de la Cépède 1803) Shaw 1804
     Sphyraena becuna de la Cépède 1803
     Sphyraena commersonii Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829
     Sphyraena dussumieri Valenciennes ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1831
     Sphyraena snodgrassi Jenkins 1901
     Sphyraena sphyraena var.picuda Bloch post Schneider 1801
     Sphyraena picuda Bloch post Schneider 1801 ※図版。
     Sphyroena barracuda (Edwards 1771) de Castelnau 1955
     Sphyroena becuna (de la Cépède 1803) de Castelnau 1955
     Sphyroena kadanar Montrouzier 1857
 *1801『Icones cx Systema Ichthyologiae M.E.Blochii Illustrantes, Atlas of Systema Ichthyologiae Iconibus cx Illustratum:Marcus Elieser Bloch after Johann Gottlob Schneider』。
 *1801『Systema Ichthyologiae Iconibus cx Illustratum:Marcus Elieser Bloch after Johann Gottlob Schneider』。
 *1804『General Zoology or Systematic Natural History 5, Pisces 1:George Shaw』。
 *1817『Le Règne Animal Distribué d'Après son Organisation Pour Servir de Base à l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction à l'Anatomie Comparée 2, les Reptiles, les Poissons, les Mollusques et les Annélides:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier』。
 *1829『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 3:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1831『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 7:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1832『Das Thierreich, Geordnet Nach Seiner Organisation, als Grundlage der Naturgeschichte der Thiere und Als Einleitung in die Vergleichende Anatomie 2:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Friedrich Siegmund Voight』。
 *1846『A Synopsis of the Fishes of North America 1845:David Humphreys Storer』。
 *1848『The History of Barbados 1847:Robert Hermann Schomburgk』。
 *1855『Animaux Nouveaux ou Rares Recueillis Pendant l'Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de L'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para 2, Poissons:François-Louis la Porte/comte de Castelnau』。
 *1857『Essai sur le Faune de l'Ile de Woodlark ou Moiou, Ichthyologie 1856:Xavier Montrouzier』。
 *1878『The Fishes of India, Being a Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon 1 Extra:Francis Day』。
 *1882『Synopsis of the Fishes of North America:David Starr Jordan & Charles Henry Gilbert』。
 *1896『A Check-List of the Fishes and Fish-Like Vertebrates of North and Middle America 1895:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of North and Middle America 1, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1898『A Collection of Fishes Made by Joseph Seed Roberts in Kingston, Jamaica 1897:David Starr Jordan & Cloudsley Rutter』。
 *1900『The Fishes of North and Middle America 4, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1904『A Catalogue of the Shore Fishes Collected by the Steamer Albatross About the Hawaiian Islands in 1902:John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1904『Report on Collections of Fishes Made in the Hawaiian Islands, with Descriptions of New Species 1902:Oliver Peebles Jenkins』。
 *1906『The Fishes of Samoa, Description of the Species Found in the Archipelago, with a Provisional Check-List of the Fishes of Oceania 1905:David Starr Jordan & Alvin Seale』。
 *1907『Notes on Fishes of Hawaii, with Descriptions of New Species 1906:David Starr Jordan & John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1908『Fishes from Islands of the Philippine Archipelago 1907:David Starr Jordan & Robert Earl Richardson』。
 *1922-1925『A List of the Fishes of Hawaii, with Notes and Descriptions of New Species 1922:David Starr Jordan & Eric Knight Jordan』。
 *2020『太平洋初記録のカマス科魚類 Sphyraena arabiansis ヤシャカマス [新称] と本種の標徴に関する新知見および S.barracuda オニカマスとの形態比較:森下悟至/三木涼平/瀬能宏/本村浩之』。
 *2021『Peixes Teleósteos da Costa Norte do Brasil:Alexandre Pires Marceniuk, Rodrigo Antunes Caires, Alfredo Carvalho-Filho, Matheus Marcos Rotundo, Wagner Cesar Rosa dos Santos & Alex Garcia Cavalleiro de Macedo Klautau』。
 *2021『高知市春野漁港内で新たに記録された四国初記録のズングリナガミミズハゼ [ハゼ科] を含む魚類51種:井上裕太/幸大二郎/溝脇一輝/山口蓮/永江栞奈/内藤大河/冨森祐樹/松沼瑞樹/遠藤広光』。
 "Barracuda"。"Barracuda Pike"。"Becuna Pike"。"Great Barracuda"。"Paracuta"。"Picuda""Sinnet"。襲撃記録。汽水域進入性。厚生労働省通知販売禁止対象魚種(シガテラ毒)。

 'Sphyraena barracuda (Walbaum 1792)'
   syn.Agrioposphyraena barracuda (Walbaum 1792)
     Esox barracudus Walbaum 1792
 *1898『The Fishes of North and Middle America 3, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1905『The Fish Fauna of the Tortugas Archipelago 1904:David Starr Jordan & Joseph Cheesman Thompson』。
 要種小名変更。=Sphyraena barracuda (Edwards 1771)?

◆スフィラエナ・ボルケンシス (絶滅)
 Sphyraena bolcensis Agassiz 1835
 *1796『Ittiolitologia Veronese del Museo Bozziano ora Annesso a Quello del Conte Giovambattista Gazola e di Altri Gabinetti di Fossili Veronesi:Giovanni Serafino Volta』。
 *1835『Revue Critique des Poissons Fossiles Figurés dans l'Ittiolitologia Veronese, Exraits de la 4me livr. des Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1833-1843『Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles 5, Contenant l'Histoire de l'Ordre des Cycloïdes:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1833-1843『Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles Atlas 5, Contenant 91 Planches de l'Ordre des Cycloides:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1845『Traité Élémentaire de Paléontologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, Considérés dans Leurs Rapports Zoologiques et Géologiques 2:François Jules Pictet』。
 *1848『Fauna der Vorwelt mit Steter Berücksichtigung der Lebenden Thiere 1, Wirbeltiere, Dritte Abteilung, Fische:Christoph Gottfried Andreas Giebel』。
 *1848『Index Palaeontologicus 1, oder Übersicht der bis Jetzt Bekannten Fossilen Organismen:Heinrich Georg Bronn』。
 *1852『Handbuch der Petrefaktenkunde 1:Friedrich August von Quenstedt』。
 *1874『Catalogo Ragionato dei Pesci Fossili del Calcare Eoceno di M.Bolca e M.Postale:Achille de Zigno』。
 *1901『Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum, Naturtal History 4, Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Sub-Orders Isospondyli in part, Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoces, Hemibranchii, Acanthopterygii and Anacanthini:Arthur Smith Woodward』。
 ボルタはこれを Perca punctata と記載(1796年)していた。

 Sphyraena borealis de Kay 1842
 *1842『Fishes in Natural History of New York 1:James Ellsworth de Kay』。
 *1842『Fishes in Natural History of New York 1 Plates:James Ellsworth de Kay』。
 *1846『A Synopsis of the Fishes of North America 1845:David Humphreys Storer』。
 *1896『A Check-List of the Fishes and Fish-Like Vertebrates of North and Middle America 1895:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of North and Middle America 1, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *2021『Peixes Teleósteos da Costa Norte do Brasil:Alexandre Pires Marceniuk, Rodrigo Antunes Caires, Alfredo Carvalho-Filho, Matheus Marcos Rotundo, Wagner Cesar Rosa dos Santos & Alex Garcia Cavalleiro de Macedo Klautau』。
 "ノーザンセネット"。"Northern Barracuda"。

 Sphyraena chrysotaenia

◆スフィラエナ・クラッシデンス (絶滅)
 Sphyraena crassidens de Beaufort 1928
 *1926『On a Collection of Marine Fishes from the Miocene of South Celebes:Lieven Ferdinand de Beaufort』。
 *2020『The Diversity of Ray-Finned Fishes [Actinopterygii] in Plio-Pleistocene Java:Donan Satria Yudha, Muhammad Ageng Prabowo, Rusyad Adi Suriyanto & Didit Hadi Barianto』。

◆スフィラエナ・クロアティカ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena croatica Kramberger-Gorjanović 1882
 *1882『Die Jungtertiäre Fischfauna Croatiens 1:Dragutin Kramberger-Gorjanović』。

◆スフィラエナ・デンタタ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena dentata Radwańska 1984
 *1984『Some New Fish Otoliths from the Korytnica Clays, Middle Miocene, Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland:Urszula Radwańska』。

 Sphyraena ensis Jordan & Gilbert 1882
 *1896『A Check-List of the Fishes and Fish-Like Vertebrates of North and Middle America 1895:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of North and Middle America 1, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of Sinaloa 1895:David Starr Jordan』。
 *1904『The Fishes of Panama Bay:David Starr Jordan & Edwin Chapin Starks』。
 "メキシコカマス"。"Vicuda"。IUCN Least Concern ver.3.1

◆スフィラエナ・ファユメンシス (絶滅)
 Sphyraena fayumensis (Dames 1883)
   syn.Saurocephalus fayumensis Dames 1883
     Sphyraena bruxelliensis Casier 1944
     Sphyraena lugardi White 1926
     Sphyraena striata Casier 1946
 *1883『Über Eine Tertiäre Wirbelthierfauna von der Westlichen Insel des Birket-el-Qurūn im Fajum, Aegypten:Wilhelm Barnim Dames』。
 *1946『La Faune Ichthyologique de l'Yprésien de la Belgique:Edgard Casier』。

 Sphyraena flavicauda Rüppell 1838
   syn.Sphyraena langsar Bleeker 1855
     Sphyraenella flavicauda (Rüppell 1838)
     Sphyraena goodingi Seale 1911
 *1906-1911『A Catalog of the Fishes of the Island of Formosa, or Taiwan, Based on the Collections of Dr.Hans Sauter 1909:David Starr Jordan & Robert Earl Richardson』。
 *1917『Notes on a Collection of Fishes from Ceylon with Descriptions of New Species:David Starr Jordan & Edwin Chapin Starks』。

Sphyraena goodingi=Sphyraena flavicauda

 Sphyraena forsteri Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829
   syn.Callosphyraena toxeuma (Fowler 1904)
     Sphyraena toxeuma Fowler 1904
 *1829『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 3:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1831『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 7:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1903『Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Island of Formosa 1902:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1906『The Fishes of Samoa, Description of the Species Found in the Archipelago, with a Provisional Check-List of the Fishes of Oceania 1905:David Starr Jordan & Alvin Seale』。
 *1906-1911『A Catalog of the Fishes of the Island of Formosa, or Taiwan, Based on the Collections of Dr.Hans Sauter 1909:David Starr Jordan & Robert Earl Richardson』。
 *1906-1911『Fishes of the South Pacific 1906:Alvin Seale』。
 *1906-1911『Fishes of the South Pacific 1906: Alvin Seale』。

◆スフィラエナ・グラキリス (絶滅)
 Sphyraena gracilis Agassiz 1835
 *1835『Revue Critique des Poissons Fossiles Figurés dans l'Ittiolitologia Veronese, Exraits de la 4me livr. des Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1836『Catalogue of Fossil Fish in the Collections of Lord Cole and Sir Philip Grey Egerton, Arranged Alphabetically with References to the Localities, Geological Positions, and Published Descriptions of the Species:Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton』。
 *1837『A Systematic and Stratigraphical Catalogue of the Fossil Fish in the Cabinets of Lord Cole and Sir Philip Grey Egerton, Together with an Alphabetical and Stratigraphical Catalogue of the Same Species:Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton』。
 *1841『A Catalogue of Fossil Fish in the Collections of the Earl of Enniskillen:Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton』。
 *1841『Fossil Fish in the Collections of the Earl of Enniskillen:Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton』。
 *1833-1843『Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles 5, Contenant l'Histoire de l'Ordre des Cycloïdes:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1833-1843『Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles Atlas 5, Contenant 91 Planches de l'Ordre des Cycloides:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1845『Traité Élémentaire de Paléontologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, Considérés dans Leurs Rapports Zoologiques et Géologiques 2:François Jules Pictet』。
 *1848『Fauna der Vorwelt mit Steter Berücksichtigung der Lebenden Thiere 1, Wirbeltiere, Dritte Abteilung, Fische:Christoph Gottfried Andreas Giebel』。
 *1874『Catalogo Ragionato dei Pesci Fossili del Calcare Eoceno di M.Bolca e M.Postale:Achille de Zigno』。

 Sphyraena guachancho Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829
   syn.Sphyraena dubia Bleeker 1863
     Sphyraena guaguanche Poey y Aloy 1860
     Sphyraena guentheri Haly 1875
 *1829『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 3:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1846『A Synopsis of the Fishes of North America 1845:David Humphreys Storer』。
 *1882『Synopsis of the Fishes of North America:David Starr Jordan & Charles Henry Gilbert』。
 *1896『A Check-List of the Fishes and Fish-Like Vertebrates of North and Middle America 1895:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of North and Middle America 1, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1898『A Collection of Fishes Made by Joseph Seed Roberts in Kingston, Jamaica 1897:David Starr Jordan & Cloudsley Rutter』。
 *1909『Memorias do Museu Bocage, Lisboa 1:Balthazar Osório』。
 *2021『Peixes Teleósteos da Costa Norte do Brasil:Alexandre Pires Marceniuk, Rodrigo Antunes Caires, Alfredo Carvalho-Filho, Matheus Marcos Rotundo, Wagner Cesar Rosa dos Santos & Alex Garcia Cavalleiro de Macedo Klautau』。

◆スフィラエナ・ハンスフクシ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena hansfuchsi (Schubert 1906)
   syn.Otolithus (Genus Sphyraena) hansfuchsi Schubert 1906
 *1906『Die Fischotolithen des Österreichisch-Ungarischen Tertiärs 3:Richard Johann Schubert』。

 Sphyraena helleri Jenkins 1901
 *1904『Report on Collections of Fishes Made in the Hawaiian Islands, with Descriptions of New Species 1902:Oliver Peebles Jenkins』。
 *1906『The Fishes of Samoa, Description of the Species Found in the Archipelago, with a Provisional Check-List of the Fishes of Oceania 1905:David Starr Jordan & Alvin Seale』。
 *1907『Notes on Fishes of Hawaii, with Descriptions of New Species 1906:David Starr Jordan & John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1922-1925『A List of the Fishes of Hawaii, with Notes and Descriptions of New Species 1922:David Starr Jordan & Eric Knight Jordan』。

 Sphyraena iburiensis Doiuchi & Nakabo 2005
 *2005『The Sphyraena obtusata Group [Perciformes, Sphyraenidae] with a Description of a New Species from Southern Japan:Ryu Doiuchi & Tetsuji Nakabo』。
 *2011『An Under-Water Photograph of Sphyraena iburiensis [Perciformes, Sphyraenidae] from the Red Sea, First Record Outside Japanese Waters:Ryu Doiuchi, Sergey Bogorodsky & Tetsuji Nakabo』。

 Sphyraena idiastes
 "ペリカンカマス"。IUCN Least Concern ver.3.1

◆スフィラエナ・インテルメディア (絶滅)
 Sphyraena intermedia Bassani 1889 non Pastore 2009
 *1889『Ricerche sui Pesci Fossili di Chiavon, Strati di Sotzka, Miocene Inferiore 1888:Francesco Bassani』。
 *1901『Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum, Naturtal History 4, Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Sub-Orders Isospondyli in part, Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoces, Hemibranchii, Acanthopterygii and Anacanthini:Arthur Smith Woodward』。

 'Sphyraena intermedia Pastore 2009' non Bassani 1889

 Sphyraena japonica Bloch post Schneider 1801 ※=Sphyraena (Vulgaris) japonica Bloch post Schneider 1801 emend. Richardson 1846。恐らくは=Sphyraena vulgaris Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829 の意。
 *1801『Systema Ichthyologiae Iconibus cx Illustratum:Marcus Elieser Bloch after Johann Gottlob Schneider』。
 *1829『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 3:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1842『Pisces by Coenraad Jacob Temminck & Hermann Schlegel in Fauna Japonica, Sive Descriptio Animalium, quas in Itinere per Japoniam, Jussu et Auspiciis Superiorum, qui Summum in India Batavia Imperium Tenent Suscepto, Annis 1823-1830 Collegit, Notis Observationibus et Adumbrationibus Illustrabit 4:Philipp Franz Balthazar von Siebold』。
 *1846『Report on the Ichthyology of the Seas of China and Japan 1845:John Richardson』。
 *1850『Pisces by Coenraad Jacob Temminck & Hermann Schlegel in Fauna Japonica, Sive Descriptio Animalium, quas in Itinere per Japoniam, Jussu et Auspiciis Superiorum, qui Summum in India Batavia Imperium Tenent Suscepto, Annis 1823-1830 Collegit, Notis Observationibus et Adumbrationibus Illustrabit 2:Philipp Franz Balthazar von Siebold』。
 *1901『A List of Fishes Collected in Japan by Keinosuke Otaki, and by the United States Steamer Albatross, with Descriptions of Fourteen New Species:David Starr Jordan & John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1903『Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Island of Formosa 1902:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1906-1911『A Catalog of the Fishes of the Island of Formosa, or Taiwan, Based on the Collections of Dr.Hans Sauter 1909:David Starr Jordan & Robert Earl Richardson』。
 *1912『Japanese Shore Fishes Collected by the United States Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross Expedition of 1906 1909:John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1913『A Catalogue of the Fishes of Japan:David Starr Jordan, Shigeho Tanaka & John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1922-1925『Record of Fishes Obtained by David Starr Jordan in Japan 1922:David Starr Jordan & Carl Leavitt Hubbs』。

 Sphyraena jello Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829
   syn.Sphyraena permisca Smith 1956
 *1829『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 3:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1850『Catalogue of Malayan Fishes 1849:Theodore Cantor』。
 *1878『The Fishes of India, Being a Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon 1 Extra:Francis Day』。
 *1903『Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Island of Formosa 1902:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1905『List of Fishes Collected by Dr.Bashford Dean on the Island of Negros, Philippines:David Starr Jordan & Alvin Seale』。
 *1908『Fishes from Islands of the Philippine Archipelago 1907:David Starr Jordan & Robert Earl Richardson』。
 *1906-1911『A Catalog of the Fishes of the Island of Formosa, or Taiwan, Based on the Collections of Dr.Hans Sauter 1909:David Starr Jordan & Robert Earl Richardson』。
 *1913『A Catalogue of the Fishes of Japan:David Starr Jordan, Shigeho Tanaka & John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1917『Notes on a Collection of Fishes from Ceylon with Descriptions of New Species:David Starr Jordan & Edwin Chapin Starks』。

◆スフィラエナ・クグレリ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena kugleri Casier 1966
 *1966『Sur la Faune Ichthyologique de la Formation de Bissex Hill et de la Sárie Ocáanique, de l'Île de la Barbade, et sur l'Âge de Ces Formations::Edgard Casier』。

◆スフィラエナ・ロンギマナ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena longimana Arambourg 1966
 *1966『Les Poissons Oligocènes de l'Iran, Liban, Syrie et Bordure des Pays Voisins:Camille Arambourg』。

 Sphyraena lucasana
 "ルーカスカマス"。IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

◆スフィラエナ・マヨル (絶滅)
 Sphyraena major Leidy 1855
 *1855『Indications of Twelve Species of Fossil Fishes:Joseph Mellick Leidy』。
 *1874-1881『Description of Vertebrate Remains, Chieflyfrom the Phosphate Beds of South Carolina 1877:Joseph Mellick Leidy』。
 *1902『Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America 1901:Oliver Perry Hay』。

◆スフィラエナ・マレムベエンシス (絶滅)
 Sphyraena malembeensis Dartevelle & Casier 1949
 *1949『Deuxième Partie 3:Edmond Dartevelle & Edgard Casier』。

◆スフィラエナ・マキシマ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena maxima Agassiz 1835
 *1835『Revue Critique des Poissons Fossiles Figurés dans l'Ittiolitologia Veronese, Exraits de la 4me livr. des Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1833-1843『Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles 5, Contenant l'Histoire de l'Ordre des Cycloïdes:Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz』。
 *1845『Traité Élémentaire de Paléontologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, Considérés dans Leurs Rapports Zoologiques et Géologiques 2:François Jules Pictet』。
 *1848『Fauna der Vorwelt mit Steter Berücksichtigung der Lebenden Thiere 1, Wirbeltiere, Dritte Abteilung, Fische:Christoph Gottfried Andreas Giebel』。
 *1874『Catalogo Ragionato dei Pesci Fossili del Calcare Eoceno di M.Bolca e M.Postale:Achille de Zigno』。

 Sphyraena megalolepis Peters 1877
 *1906『The Fishes of Samoa, Description of the Species Found in the Archipelago, with a Provisional Check-List of the Fishes of Oceania 1905:David Starr Jordan & Alvin Seale』。

 Sphyraena nigripinnis Temminck & Schlegel ex von Siebold 1842
 *1842『Pisces by Coenraad Jacob Temminck & Hermann Schlegel in Fauna Japonica, Sive Descriptio Animalium, quas in Itinere per Japoniam, Jussu et Auspiciis Superiorum, qui Summum in India Batavia Imperium Tenent Suscepto, Annis 1823-1830 Collegit, Notis Observationibus et Adumbrationibus Illustrabit 4:Philipp Franz Balthazar von Siebold』。
 *1846『Report on the Ichthyology of the Seas of China and Japan 1845:John Richardson』。
 *1850『Pisces by Coenraad Jacob Temminck & Hermann Schlegel in Fauna Japonica, Sive Descriptio Animalium, quas in Itinere per Japoniam, Jussu et Auspiciis Superiorum, qui Summum in India Batavia Imperium Tenent Suscepto, Annis 1823-1830 Collegit, Notis Observationibus et Adumbrationibus Illustrabit 2:Philipp Franz Balthazar von Siebold』。
 *1913『A Catalogue of the Fishes of Japan:David Starr Jordan, Shigeho Tanaka & John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1965『Some Fish Otoliths from North-East Honshu, Japan:Kotora Hatai』。
 =Sphyraena qenie Klunzinger 1870?

 Sphyraena novaehollandiae Günther 1860 ※=novæ-hollandiæ。
   syn.Australuzza novaehollandiae (Günther 1860)
     Austroluzza novaehollandiae (Günther 1860) ※スペルミス。
 *1872『Contribution to the Ichthyology of Australia:François-Louis la Porte/comte de Castelnau』。
 "ホソカマス"。"The Pyke"。

 Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829
   syn.Acus chinensis (de la Cépède 1803)
     Esox chinensis (de la Cépède 1803) Shaw 1804
     Sphyraena aureoflammea Seale 1910
     Sphyraena brachygnathus Bleeker 1855
     Sphyraena chinensis de la Cépède 1803
     Sphyraena grandisquamis Steindachner 1866
 *1804『General Zoology or Systematic Natural History 5, Pisces 1:George Shaw』。
 *1817『Le Règne Animal Distribué d'Après son Organisation Pour Servir de Base à l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction à l'Anatomie Comparée 2, les Reptiles, les Poissons, les Mollusques et les Annélides:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier』。
 *1829『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 3:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1842『Pisces by Coenraad Jacob Temminck & Hermann Schlegel in Fauna Japonica, Sive Descriptio Animalium, quas in Itinere per Japoniam, Jussu et Auspiciis Superiorum, qui Summum in India Batavia Imperium Tenent Suscepto, Annis 1823-1830 Collegit, Notis Observationibus et Adumbrationibus Illustrabit 4:Philipp Franz Balthazar von Siebold』。
 *1846『Report on the Ichthyology of the Seas of China and Japan 1845:John Richardson』。
 *1850『Catalogue of Malayan Fishes 1849:Theodore Cantor』。
 *1850『Pisces by Coenraad Jacob Temminck & Hermann Schlegel in Fauna Japonica, Sive Descriptio Animalium, quas in Itinere per Japoniam, Jussu et Auspiciis Superiorum, qui Summum in India Batavia Imperium Tenent Suscepto, Annis 1823-1830 Collegit, Notis Observationibus et Adumbrationibus Illustrabit 2:Philipp Franz Balthazar von Siebold』。
 *1878『A Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters India, Burma and Ceylon 2, Atlas Constaining 198 Plates:Francis Day』。
 *1878『The Fishes of India, Being a Natural History of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon 1 Extra:Francis Day』。
 *1887『Redogörelse för den Japanska Fisksamlingen i Upsala Universitets Zoologiska Museum:Edvard Nyström』。
 *1898-1902『Report of a Mission to Guam 2, Fishes 1901:Alvin Seale』。
 *1906『The Fishes of Samoa, Description of the Species Found in the Archipelago, with a Provisional Check-List of the Fishes of Oceania 1905:David Starr Jordan & Alvin Seale』。
 *1908『On a Collection of Fishes from the Philippine Islands, made by Maj. Edgar A.Mearns, Surgeon, US Army, with Descriptions of Seven New Species:Alvin Seale & Barton Appler Bean』。
 *1910『New Species of Philippine Fishes 1909:Alvin Seale』。
 *1906-1911『Fishes of the South Pacific 1906: Alvin Seale』。
 *1913-1914『A Catalog of the Fishes Known from the Waters of Korea 1913:David Starr Jordan & Charles William Metz』。

 Sphyraena picudilla Poey y Aloy 1860
 *1896『A Check-List of the Fishes and Fish-Like Vertebrates of North and Middle America 1895:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of North and Middle America 1, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。

 Sphyraena pinguis Günther 1874
 *1874『Third Notice of a Collection of Fishes Made by Mr.Swinhoe in China:Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthilf Günter』。
 *1905『On a Collection of Fishes from the Inland Sea of Japan, Made by Mr. R.Gordon Smith:Charles Tate Regan』。
 *1912『Japanese Shore Fishes Collected by the United States Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross Expedition of 1906 1909:John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1913『A Catalogue of the Fishes of Japan:David Starr Jordan, Shigeho Tanaka & John Otterbein Snyder』。
 *1913-1914『Record of the Fishes Obtained in Japan in 1911:David Starr Jordan & William Francis Thompson』。
 *1922-1925『Record of Fishes Obtained by David Starr Jordan in Japan 1922:David Starr Jordan & Carl Leavitt Hubbs』。
 *2021『Reef and Shore Fishes of Bidong Island, Off East Coast of Malay Peninsula:Hiroyuki Motomura, Seishi Kimura, Seah Ying Giat, Siti TafzilMeriam Sheikh Abdul Kadir & Mazlan Abd Ghaffar』。
 *2021『高知市春野漁港内で新たに記録された四国初記録のズングリナガミミズハゼ [ハゼ科] を含む魚類51種:井上裕太/幸大二郎/溝脇一輝/山口蓮/永江栞奈/内藤大河/冨森祐樹/松沼瑞樹/遠藤広光』。

 Sphyraena plumerii (Bloch 1794) Bloch post Schneider 1801
   syn.Mugil plumerii Bloch 1794
 *1801『Systema Ichthyologiae Iconibus cx Illustratum:Marcus Elieser Bloch after Johann Gottlob Schneider』。

 Sphyraena putnamae Jordan & Seale 1905
   syn.Sphyraena bleekeri Williams 1959
     Sphyraena raghava Chaudhuri 1928
 *1928『Fauna of the Chilka Lake 1915-1924 6, Fish 3 1917:B.L.Chaudhuri』。

 Sphyraena qenie Klunzinger 1870
   syn.Sphyraena kenie Klunzinger 1884
     Sphyraena tessera Smith 1956
 *1906『The Fishes of Samoa, Description of the Species Found in the Archipelago, with a Provisional Check-List of the Fishes of Oceania 1905:David Starr Jordan & Alvin Seale』。

◆スフィラエナ・センニ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena senni Casier 1966
 *1966『Sur la Faune Ichthyologique de la Formation de Bissex Hill et de la Sárie Ocáanique, de l'Île de la Barbade, et sur l'Âge de Ces Formations::Edgard Casier』。

 Sphyraena spet (Haüy 1787) Risso 1810
   syn.Esox spet Haüy 1787
 *1810『Ichthyologie de Nice, ou Histoire Naturelle des Poissons du Departement des Alpes Maritimes:Antoine Risso』。
 *1826『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons de la Méditerranée qui Fréquentent les Cotes des Alpes Maritimes, et qui Vivent Dans le Golfe de Nice in Histoire Naturelle des Principales Productions de l'Europe Méridionale, et Particulierement de Celles des Environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes 3:Antoine Risso』。
 *1832-1841『Iconografia della Fauna Italica per le Quattro Classi Degli Animali Vertebrati 3, Pesci:Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte』。
 *1882『Synopsis of the Fishes of North America:David Starr Jordan & Charles Henry Gilbert』。
 "Barracuda"。=Sphyraena sphyraena (von Linné 1758)?

 Sphyraena sphyraena (von Linné 1758)
   syn.Esox sphyraenus von Linné 1758 ※=Eſox (Sphyræna) sphyrænus von Linné 1758 emend. Cuvier 1817。
     Sphyraena bocagei Osório 1891
     Sphyraena sphyraena bocagei (Osório 1891)
     Sphyraena vulgaris Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829
 *1758『Regnum Animale 4, Pisces in Systema Naturæ per Regna Tria Naturæ 1 of 10°:Carl von Linné』。
 *1766『Regnum Animale 4, Pisces in Systema Naturæ per Regna Tria Naturæ 1 of 12°:Carl von Linné』。
 *1768『Ichthyologia Massiliensis, Sistens Piscium Descriptiones Eorumque Apud Incolas Nomina, Accedunt Spolia Maris Adriatici:Morten Thrane Brünnich』。
 *1793-1795『Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen Fische, Mit Sechs und Dreissig Ausgemalten Abdrucken Nach Originalen 8 1794:Marcus Elieser Bloch』。
 *1795『Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen Fische 4:Marcus Elieser Bloch』。
 *1796『Ittiolitologia Veronese del Museo Bozziano ora Annesso a Quello del Conte Giovambattista Gazola e di Altri Gabinetti di Fossili Veronesi:Giovanni Serafino Volta』。
 *1801『Systema Ichthyologiae Iconibus cx Illustratum:Marcus Elieser Bloch after Johann Gottlob Schneider』。
 *1804『General Zoology or Systematic Natural History 5, Pisces 1:George Shaw』。
 *1817『Le Règne Animal Distribué d'Après son Organisation Pour Servir de Base à l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction à l'Anatomie Comparée 2, les Reptiles, les Poissons, les Mollusques et les Annélides:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier』。
 *1829『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 3:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。
 *1830『The Fossil Remains of the Animal Kingdom:Edward Pidgeon』。
 *1832『Das Thierreich, Geordnet Nach Seiner Organisation, als Grundlage der Naturgeschichte der Thiere und Als Einleitung in die Vergleichende Anatomie 2:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Friedrich Siegmund Voight』。
 *1853-1856『Lethaea Geognostica oder Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der für die Gebirgs-Formationen Bezeichnendsten Versteinerungen 3:Heinrich Georg Bronn & Ferdinand Roemer』。
 *1896『A Check-List of the Fishes and Fish-Like Vertebrates of North and Middle America 1895:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1896『The Fishes of North and Middle America 1, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-Like Vertebrates Found in the Waters of North America, North of the Isthmus of Panama:David Starr Jordan & Barton Warren Evermann』。
 *1899『List of Fishes Collected at the Canary Islands by Mr. O.F.Cook, with Descriptions of Four New Species 1898:David Starr Jordan & James Alexander Gunn』。
 "ホンカマス"。"European Barracuda"。"Sea Pike"。"Sennet"。"Spet"。リンネの序列は Genus Esox に於いて1番目。本来なら(以下略)。

 ボルタによる本種とされる標本(下)。現在は=Rhamphognathus paralepoides Agassiz 1835。

 Sphyraena stellata Morishita & Motomura 2020
 *2020Sphyraena stellata, a New Barracuda from the Indo-Pacific, with Re-Descriptions of S.helleri Jenkins 1901 and S.novaehollandiae Günther 1860 [Perciformes, Sphyraenidae]:Satoshi Morishita & Hiroyuki Motomura』。

◆スフィラエナ・ステルンベルゲンシス (絶滅)
 Sphyraena sternbergensis Winckler 1875
 *1875『Beschreibung Einiger Fossiler Tertiaer-Fisclireste, Vorzugsweise des Sternberger Gesteins:Tiberius Cornelis Winckler』。

◆スフィラエナ・スブストリアタ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena substriata (zu Münster 1846)
   syn.Saurocephalus inaequalis zu Münster 1846
     Saurocephalus substriatus zu Münster 1846
     Sphyraena olisiponensis Jonet 1966
 *1846『Beiträge zur Petrefacten Kunde, Drei Einfachen und Sechs Doppeltafeln Wom Grafen Georg zu Münster:Georg Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm Graf zu Münster』。
 *1846『Ueber die in der Tertiär-Formation des Wiener Beckens Vorkommenden Fisch-Ueberreste, mit Beschreibung Einiger Neuen Merkwürdigen Arten:Georg Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm Graf zu Münster』。
 *1848『Fauna der Vorwelt mit Steter Berücksichtigung der Lebenden Thiere 1, Wirbeltiere, Dritte Abteilung, Fische:Christoph Gottfried Andreas Giebel』。
 *1966『Sphyraenidés et Scombridés du Miocène Portugais, Troisieme note Ichthyologique:Simon Jonet』。
 *1978『Neue und Fehlinterpretierte Fischformen aus dem Miozan des Wiener Beckens:Ortwin Schultz』。
 *1981『Vertébrés, Crocodiliens & Poissons du Miocène Marin de l'Algarve Occidentale:Miguel Telles Antunes, Simon Jonet & A.Nascimento』。

Saurocephalus inaequalis=Saurocephalus substriatus

◆スフィラエナ・スエッシ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena suessi Gorjanović-Kramberger 1882
 *1882『Vorläufige Mittheilungen über die Aquitanische Fischfauna der Steiermark:Dragutin Kramberger』。
 *1891『Palaeoichtyoložki Prilozi 2, Collectae Palaeoichthyologicae:Dragutin Gorjanović-Kramberger』。
 *1901『Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum, Naturtal History 4, Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Sub-Orders Isospondyli in part, Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoces, Hemibranchii, Acanthopterygii and Anacanthini:Arthur Smith Woodward』。

 Sphyraena tome

◆スフィラエナ・トセンギ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena tsengi Tao 1993
 *1993『臺灣中新世産化石新種曾氏金梭魚、Sphyraena tsengi n.sp.:陶錫珍』。

◆スフィラエナ・ウィアンナイ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena viannai Dartevelle & Casier 1949
 *1949『Deuxième Partie 3:Edmond Dartevelle & Edgard Casier』。

◆スフィラエナ・ウィエンネンシス (絶滅)
 Sphyraena viennensis Steindachner 1859
 *1859『Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fossilen Fische Österreichs 1:Franz Steindachner』。

 Sphyraena viridensis Cuvier ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829
   syn.Sphyraena viridensis mediterranea
 *1829『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 3:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Achille Valenciennes』。

 Sphyraena waitii

◆スフィラエナ・ウィンクレリ (絶滅)
 Sphyraena winkleri Lawley 1876
 *1876『Nuovi Studi Sopra ai Pesci ed Altri Vertebrati Fossili delle Colline Toscane:Roberto Lawley』。

30〜45cm 60cm 90cm 120cm 180cm 水族館クラス
混泳同種・同型=×〜△ 混泳異種・異型=×
inserted by FC2 system