Lasaniidae、おさかなマガジン 分類トップ


Family LASANIIDAE GOODRICH 1909 ラサニウス科
Agnathans (ラサニウス科魚種)
Anapsid-Fishes (ラサニウス科魚種)
Anapsids (ラサニウス科魚種)
Anaspid-Petromyzontids (ラサニウス科魚種)
Jawless-Fishes (ラサニウス科魚種)
Lasaniids (ラサニウス科魚種)

Genus Lasanius TRAQUAIR 1898 ラサニウス属 (絶滅)

◆ラサニウス・アルトゥス (絶滅)
 Lasanius altus Ritchie 1963
 *1963『Palaeontological Studies of Scottish Fish-Beds:Alexander Ritchie』。

◆ラサニウス・アルマトゥス (絶滅)
 Lasanius armatus Traquair 1900
 *1897-1900『Report on Fossil Fishes Collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland in the Silurian Rocks of the South of Scotland 1898-1899:Ramsay Heatley Traquair』。
 *1963『Palaeontological Studies of Scottish Fish-Beds:Alexander Ritchie』。

◆ラサニウス・プロブレマティクス (絶滅)
 Lasanius problematicus Traquair 1898
 *1898『Dr.Traquair on New Forms of Fossil Fishes in Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for 1897:Ramsay Heatley Traquair』。
 *1897-1900『Report on Fossil Fishes Collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland in the Silurian Rocks of the South of Scotland 1898-1899:Ramsay Heatley Traquair』。

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