Echinochimaeridae、おさかなマガジン 分類トップ


Family ECHINOCHIMAERIDAE LUND 1977 アメリカムカシギンザメ科
Chimaeras (ギンザメ類)
Echinochimaerids (アメリカムカシギンザメ科魚種)
Ghost-Sharks (ギンザメ類)
Rabbit-Fishes (ギンザメ類)
Rat-Fishes (ギンザメ科魚種)

Genus Compsacanthus NEWBERRY 1857 コムプサカントゥス属 (絶滅)

◆コムプサカントゥス・ラエウィス (絶滅)
 Compsacanthus laevis Newberry 1857 ※=lævis。
   syn.Pleuracanthus laevis (Newberry 1857)
 *1857『Description of Several New Genera and Species of Fossil Fishes from the Carboniferous Strata of Ohio 1856:John Strong Newberry』。
 *1873『Descriptions of Fossil Fishes, the Classification and Geological Distribution of Our Fossil Fishes, Descriptions of Fishes of the Carboniferous System in Geological Survey of Ohio 1 Part 2:John Strong Newberry』。
 *1902『Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America 1901:Oliver Perry Hay』。

Genus Echinochimaera LUND 1977 アメリカムカシギンザメ属 (絶滅)

◆エキノキマエラ・エルシウァ (絶滅)
 Echinochimaera elusiva Lund 1988
 *1988『New Mississippian Holocephali [Chondrichches] and the Evolution of the Holocephali:Richard Lund』。

◆エキノキマエラ・インディアナ (絶滅)
 Echinochimaera indiana Lund 1988
 *1988『New Mississippian Holocephali [Chondrichches] and the Evolution of the Holocephali:Richard Lund』。

◆エキノキマエラ・メルトニ (絶滅)
 Echinochimaera meltoni Lund 1977
 *1988Echinochimaera meltoni New Genus and Species [Chimaeriformis], from the Mississippian of Montana:Richard Lund』。

◆エキノキマエラ・ケルリ (絶滅)
 Echinochimaera kellyi Lund 1988
 *1988『New Mississippian Holocephali [Chondrichches] and the Evolution of the Holocephali:Richard Lund』。

◆エキノキマエラ・スニデリ (絶滅)
 Echinochimaera snyderi Lund 1988
 *1988『New Mississippian Holocephali [Chondrichches] and the Evolution of the Holocephali:Richard Lund』。

◆エキノキマエラ・スルフレア (絶滅)
 Echinochimaera sulphurea Lund 1988
 *1988『New Mississippian Holocephali [Chondrichches] and the Evolution of the Holocephali:Richard Lund』。

Genus Marracanthus SAINT JOHN & WORTHEN 1875  マルラカントゥス属 (絶滅)

◆マルラカントゥス・レクトゥス (絶滅)
 Marracanthus rectus (Newberry & Worthen ex Worthen 1866) John & Worthen 1875
   syn.Homacanthus rectus Newberry & Worthen ex Worthen 1866
 *1866『Geology Survey of Illinois 2, Palæontology:Amos Henry Worthen』。
 *1875『Geological Survey of Illiiois 6, Geology and Palæontology, Palæontology of Illinois 1, Descriptions of Fossil Fishes:Orestes Henry Saint John & Amos Henry Worthen』。
 *1902『Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America 1901:Oliver Perry Hay』。

Genus Plesioselachus ANDERSON, LONG, GESS & HILLER 1999 プレシオセラクス属 (絶滅)

◆プレシオセラクス・マクラカントゥス (絶滅)
 Plesioselachus macracanthus Anderson, Long, Gess & Hiller 1999
 *1999『An Unusual New Fossil Shark [Pisces, Chondrichthyes] from the Late Devonian of South Africa:Margaret A.Anderson, John Albert Long, Robert Wolfgang Gess & Norton Hiller』。

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